The best revenge the kind served up in a blog.
To hell with the legal channels for retribution for eBay sales gone bad. Blog it!!
Step-parenthood, Hockey, Gripes, Observations, Feckless meanderings and other assorted written tidbits. the kind served up in a blog.
To hell with the legal channels for retribution for eBay sales gone bad. Blog it!!
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
1:50 p.m.
thoughts to ponder
I give you His Worship, Mayor David Miller of Toronto.
In a rare moment of agreement with Royson James of the Toronto Star (a.k.a. The Red Star of Toronto) I can see that the Mayor fiddled (pedalled, actually) while Toronto burned...burned by ATU Loc. 113 as well as by the heat of the day. He was pedalling around on a photo-op to kick off Bike Week in Toronto. So imagine if you will, a bunch of smiling and waving politicians on their bikes...along with all the event's participants...getting a police escort (on their bikes, of course) through the heart of downtown...while tens of thousands of highly pissed-off commuters watched in sweaty disbelief.
And people wonder how the French Revolution got started...
The Mayor's biggest crime is that he knew for weeks that this issue was brewing and he did nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Made a couple of pro-forma statements to the newsies about how the Union should get back to work. *yawn*
Dave: spend a little less time on your hair and a little more time actually running the city. Stop pandering to all the NIMBY granola crunchie waterfront condo and co-op owners who think the Island Airport is the spawn of Satan. John Tory has done a better job addressing the concerns of Torontonians in recent crises than you have.
Oh, and by the way...its not just Toronto residents who got burned in that little transit fiasco...lots of us might work here but we don't live here. In case you think that doesn't matter, think again, Goldilocks.
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
9:41 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
I give you Bob Kinnear: President of the Amalgamated Transit Union, Local 113. Catalyst and rabid supporter of the wildcat transit strike on Monday.
Is it a coincidence that he kept up his stream of vitriol and hyperbole...appearing to "stand up to The Man" when he's up for re-election this year?
I think not.
Bob, do us all a favour: take a hike. Preferably a long one. Personally, I hope you keep defying the rulings of the Labour Board. I'd like nothing better than to see your unionista ass in Jail.
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
9:31 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
I've been a fan of his for many years. My loyal readership (all 3 of you) know that he's one of my links.
Unreciprocated, of course, but I'm okay with that. He has a lot going on.
This tale from his online journal illustrates something we should all remember: try to have a little bit of fun every day.
I give you the tale, "Players".
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
11:32 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
I really was. Honest.
But it was too *&^%$#<~! hot. Hot. Sweltering. In freakin' MAY! It hit 34C. That's not including the humidex.
And, just to add to the joy, the Toronto Transit Commission's maintenance workers decided to protest some shift changes by walking off the job at around oh-dark thirty Monday AM. The Drivers and other Operators, not wishing to cross their picket lines, were unable to work.
So the whole damn TTC was shut down.
On the hottest day of the year so far.
On a Monday morning.
Did I mention that it was hot?
Technorati Tag: Life
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
9:48 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
I was responding to a comment made by Outburst on my recent post regarding the issue of "Intelligent Design" being forced upon schools in the US. I realized that my comment was approaching dtrini-like proportions, so I thought I'd post it instead.
Outburst's comment was that Intelligent Design isn't science, so it shouldn't be taught in a science class.
My response:
"Agreed. A philosophy/sociology class is a far better venue for that kind of discussion.
May that sort of foolishness never happen here.
Of course, this is the same province where a kid scoring full marks on an oral French test (language, you perverts!) can lose 35% of his mark because he can't remember the "signs" that they've been teaching the kids. Yes, signs. As in, some kind of twisted sign language. Like a Hawaiian dance, or First Nations signing.
Apparently this little gem was proposed by some folk singer (maybe its a CanCon requirement?) and the leftie morons who run the school boards are just eating this shit up.
I know this much: If I tried to flap my arms around while attempting to make myself understood in Montreal, I'd be banneed from the City for life! Rome? Well, that would be another story entirely.
(Um, what point was I trying to make with all this?)"
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
10:16 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
The article speaks for itself. I've added relevant links for those who wish to dig further.
Intelligent design a difficult foe
For many, evolution theory hard to grasp
May 20, 2006. 01:00 AM
Scientists are absolutely correct to argue that intelligent design — the claim that a designer, not evolution, created life on Earth — is not science and does not belong in science classrooms. But it might come as a surprise to many of them that simply saying so isn't enough.
First, to understand why intelligent design isn't science, you do have to know something about what science is.
Scientists constantly test their theories, trying to poke holes in them. They perform observations and/or experiments to do that. If their preconceptions are not supported by what they see, detect or calculate, they are discarded.
Darwin's theory of evolution has been subjected to more than a century's worth of testing. Not once has a fundamental prediction made by the theory been shown to be incorrect.
It's true that the story of life on Earth is still incomplete, something that ID proponents (and the creationists before them) have seized on by arguing that, for instance, there are no fossil forms that show transitions from one species to another. But such claims are not true.
Transitions between land animals and whales, fish and four-legged terrestrials have been found. There are still gaps, but the point is that there are no new fossils that disprove Darwin.
Proponents of intelligent design, on the other hand, do no experiments. They have promised them in the past, but so far, nothing. Instead, they simply criticize evolution. So, they're talking about science but they're not doing any. Science is about doing something. ID should not be taught in science classes because it isn't science.
That all seems pretty straightforward. So why does ID have so much traction in the United States?
Two interesting takes on this have been published in the last few days. One is an article in the journal Public Library of Science Biology about the work of Jon Miller at Northwestern University medical school.
Miller has been measuring scientific literacy over the past 30 years. In the United States and Canada, that literacy is appallingly low. No more than about 15 per cent of the general public can read and understand a science article in Time magazine. To his mind, the acceptance of intelligent design is directly related to the strength of the religious right in the U.S.
How about these examples: One out of every three Americans thinks evolution is "definitely false;" only about one out of seven is convinced it's true. In a ranking of 34 countries whose adults accept evolution, the United States stands 33rd. (Turkey is 34th.) Perhaps the most extraordinary claim made by Miller is that the United States is the only country in the world where a political party wants ID taught in schools.
With that background, it should have come as no surprise to scientists that countering the appeal of intelligent design was going to be difficult. Yet, many seemed surprised when that turned out to be the case.
Scott Lilienfeld, a psychologist at Emory University in Atlanta, understands why. In an article in this month's Skeptical Inquirer, Lilienfeld argues that the problem with scientists is that they expect the general public to be sensible about the whole issue and choose evolution.
But should they be? There is, of course, the issue of religion, as I just mentioned. But what about those who are on the fence, people who might be churchgoers but are not virulently anti-evolution? Is evolution the "common sense" explanation for the glorious diversity of life? No, it is not.
Evolution is hard to grasp. It only makes sense if you're willing to give it millions of years, and if you can grasp the idea that the most infinitesimal changes in genes can, when captured by natural selection, actually create marvellous organs, like the eye, and marvellous species, from fruit flies to blue whales.
Lilienfeld argues that intuition, so helpful in much of life, is a bad guide to accuracy in this case. The Earth does look flat; it isn't. The sun appears to revolve around the Earth; it doesn't. Living things appear to have been designed by someone (or Someone); they aren't.
Lilienfeld contends that the solution is to improve the teaching of science in school, to impress upon students that intuition can be wrong, and that the scientific approach is one way of ensuring that doesn't happen.
Of course, if intelligent design is part of that science education, so much for the chances of introducing thinking.
Jay Ingram hosts Daily Planet on the Discovery Channel.
*article shamelessly purloined from the Toronto Star.
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
4:02 p.m.
thoughts to ponder
Here's my calendar of important dates in the sporting world:
May 21: Training camps open
June 2: Preseason begins
June 16: Regular season begins
July 1: Canada Day Bash
Nov 5: Scotiabank Semifinals
Nov 12: Scotiabank Championships
Nov 16: Rogers CFL Player Awards
Nov 19: 94th Grey Cup in Winnipeg
Now, add to that the NHL playoffs happening now and things are very nice for us sports fans. Of course, if I gave a rat's about the Blue Jay's I'd have the whole trifecta. Sopccer/Football's FIFA World Cup is also coming up. dtrini is in Heaven. He told me he was taking the day off when England played Trinidad.
Um, yeah. have fun with that. :P
As for me? I'm glued to training camp reports.
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
3:28 p.m.
1 thoughts to ponder
Screw all that bait & tackle crap. These guys know how to make fishing fun!
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
11:27 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
I have a random assortment of thoughts for you today.
I always knew that Punters and Placekickers were kind of a weird breed...somewhat like goalies are. Take Duncan O'Mahony. Signed a contract with Winnipeg as their new kicker after 2 mediocre seasons in BC. Leaves home in Abbotsford to Winnipeg, via Calgary. Supposed to meet a friend for dinner at the Airport and then catch a plane to Winnipeg.
He misses dinner. He never makes the plane to Winnipeg. He gets paged twice with no answer, so they offload his bags and the plane takes off.
No Duncan. AWOL. MIA. Without a trace, and all that.
Football team has no idea where he is, and training camp has started.
Well, some 68 hours later, his family reports that he's been located, he's safe, and that "they request privacy to bring the issue to a close."
While this guy is known for being a bit of a free spirit, I can't see someone sabotaging his sports career with a disappearing stunt like that one. Of course, there is Ricky Williams...
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
9:09 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
I'm sitting here, to Penny's immediate left. While my kidneys are not acting with the same sense of urgency I can safely say that if there was a tree nearby, I would have been bored out of it long ago.
Back around 2PM, they say? There's a difference between "approximately" 2PM and "holy fucking late, Batman!". I'm scanning the skies for the bat symbol as we speak.
Bored, bored, bored.
Borini, boridi, borici. (I came, I saw, I bored)
*long exhale*
Um, guess I can do my own weekend update while Penny staves off the "gotta pee dance" in the passenger seat.
I worked wood this weekend. My drill press table looks pretty good and I've even christened it inbetween glue-ups I did get part of the lawn mowed before the verdamnt mower gave up the ghost yet again. Fortunately it was the front part which got finished. The back still looks like something that Stanley should be trekking through while looking for Livingsgtone. Must do something about that...
2:42. *sheesh* Timeliness isn't exactly a strong suit with the folks who run this particular corps.
Heck, we've even had time to get rid of some of the accumulated crap in the car. (No, that didn't take 45 mins). I got out my Armor-all wipes and did the dashboard. Found my molding and trim tape to fix the loose end of the ventshade on my window.
Checked the oil...a bit low. Must top up at home.
Checked the transmission fluid. All good there.
Now what?
*tap fingers on blackberry*
(We pause for a moment....Taking Penny to go pee before she has a breakdown. )
Shit. Now I gotta go too. ~fume~
Wonder where the bus is? Wonder where the lions are? If a Mossy pees in a forest, will anybody hear? if I had a ... No, never mind. I don't like Bruce Cockburn that much.
(News flash: called the Corps brain trust on a cell phone. Apparently the 2PM pickup time was incorrect, it was closer to 4PM. Me? So not impressed. Neither were the other parents in the lot when I passed that along. )
So here I am, back in the lot at the revised time. Kids? No sign.
*edit: Kids arrived shortly afterwards*
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
4:04 p.m.
1 thoughts to ponder
it's Football Jersey Friday and I managed to spill coffee down the front of my San Antonio Texans jersey. (defunct US-Based CFL team)
Fortunately, I keep a Tide-to-go Pen handy at the office for just such an emergency.
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
11:19 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
Yes, its another birthday for Motherdear!
I would have posted sooner, but, well, I got sidetracked....
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
10:40 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
...and many happy returns to my favourite Goddess of the Random Blog.
I was contemplating doing a similar photo post to the one I just did for dtrini, but you know...those photos that you used to post, well... *low whistle* Dunno if I can use those ones.
Maybe next year, k?
Happy day!!
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
10:13 a.m.
1 thoughts to ponder
That is indeed the question.
Word reached these shores that someone who was dooced a little while back (with cause) is still blogging unrepentantly.
If you wind up getting Dooced, should you continue to blog? I therefore open this debate to my loyal readers.
Is it: "hey, its my blog and I'm gonna do whatever I like..."?
Or is it more like someone who drives drunk, has a very nasty accident and then continues to drive under the influence?
I'm not taking a side here...I want to see which way the wind is blowing.
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
1:39 p.m.
thoughts to ponder
I knew this day would come, but I knew I'd be a little sad and wistful.
Yep, the little QB that could has finally called it a career. 3 leagues, 21 years and 58,000+ passing yards later.
Doug Flutie has retired.
You have to hand it to a guy who never knew the meaning of the word "quit" and had such a mind for the game. He was an absolute thrill to watch, particularly during his two seasons in Toronto.
Dougie, you went out having fun and with a big smile on your face in your very final game and you went out on your own terms. The game is better because you were up here playing it.
See you in Hamilton in 3 years for your Hall of Fame induction.
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
4:03 p.m.
1 thoughts to ponder
Happy Birthday to my favourite Trini.
No matter how long our friendship lasts, my friend, this picture represents my most enduring image of you...
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
12:43 p.m.
thoughts to ponder this, I got an email today.
From: [mailto:(Program Associate Name)]
Sent: May 15, 2006 11:56 AM
To: Stone, Mossy
Subject: FW: Congratulations - Offer of Admission to the MA in Learning and Technology
Hello Mossy,
Congratulations! You have been accepted into the MA in Learning and Technology program. I have attached a Letter of Offer. I also have attached the Notice of Acceptance form for you to complete and return by May 31, 2006.
Please let me know if you have any questions or need any other information.
Once again congratulation and welcome to the MA in Learning and Technology Program.
(Signed by Cheerful Program Associate)
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
11:15 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
So much for the Sens getting swept 4-straight after my previous prediction of a Buffalo sweep. I guess I'll take some solace in the fact that Ottawa might get knocked out at home.
Yes, dear reader, Friday is Jinx day. Its a lovely day today and I'm taking a chance that the rain will show up in the afternoon, justifying my decision not to ride this morning. However, if its still dry when I get home, I'm definitely going for a ride.
"But Mossy," you say, "this post looks suspiciously like a mobile blog!"
Right you are, my careful-eyed reviewer! I'm blogging en route because I foolishly left my laptop in Stand-by mode last night and totally forgot about it. Dead battery means no Babylon 5 episode on the way in. As I was getting my stuff together in the bedroom I was debating bringing one of my techno-thrillers with me to read today, but I thought, 'naaah....I've got the DVD, so I might as well watch it.'
"Silly Mossy! You really need to listen for fate giggling in the background when you say stuff like that."
Right you are, reader! You're in solid ironic observational form today, I see.
On a positive note, because I can see you're anxious to know, my fundraising for the Ride for Heart is going well. I was a little concerned that I might not be able to raise much, but I'm doing much better than I thought - courtesy of a couple of generous online donations and the willingness of my colleagues to part with their cash. Apparently you can win some nice prizes for certain levels of fundraising, which is kinda cool. I wonder if I could be setting a dangerous precedent, though? I'm sometimes one of those "first time lucky" kind of guys, although its a rare enough occurrence that I still enjoy it when it happens. Just my luck I would enter next year and be lucky to cobble together a couple of loonies and a subway token.
"Oh Moss-man, don't be like that."
Hey, you chose the read so enjoy the ride. Besides, isn't self-deprecation one of my charms?
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
9:06 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
Cool, wet, and generally depressing.
That pretty much sums up Thursday.
Random News tidbits....
A coroner's inquest in Quebec finally determined that the 15 y/o girl who had allegedly died from a peanut allergy (ostensibly triggered by a kiss from her boyfriend) actually died from a severe asthma attack. The reported smooch from her beau actually occurred 8-9 hours after his consumption of which time all traces of the allergen are gone from one's system. The coroner went on to mention that the fact that the girl had been smoking marijuana beforehand "probably didn't help." (No shit, Dick Tracy. An asthmatic having a reaction from smoking....go figure.) The media didn't mention the dope in their initial reports a few months back, nor did they happen to mention to the time lapse between the PB and the smooch. Poor bastard gets vilified in the press and they all but accuse him of killing his girlfriend. Kudos to the coroner for setting the record straight.
Speaking of dope smoking, the Toronto Argonauts are still hopeful that they will be able to land erstwhile Dolphin RB Ricky Williams for the 2006 season. Opinion is sharply divided over whether the Argos should be parachuting in this fella when they've worked very hard to promote their community involvement and improvment programs (Anti-Drug, Anti-Gun, Anti-Bullying.)
Shrouded in secrecy and media debate over the name of the team, Major League Soccer's newest franchise (owned and operated by Condo developers and Basketball/Hockey meddlers, Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment) was unveiled today: Toronto FC. ~yawn~
Looks like the Clown-Haired Bastard and the rest of the Ottawa Senators will have to try and make a 4-game run at the next round of the playoffs without Dominik Hasek. As I explained to Danikabur this morning, I'm not cheering FOR Buffalo...I'm just not cheering for Ottawa. "hey, Senators! Tee-off time is at 10AM Friday!"
Sad thoughts as the City of Windsor and thousands of Police officers said good-bye to the first officer shot dead in the line of duty in the 120 year history of the force. RIP, Const. John Atkinson.
Toronto Councillors need a pay raise like I need a boob job. Here's a hint: Make a real committment to term limits for the nitwits we keep sending to City Hall, and maybe then we can talk.
Note to the moron from my office who was actually making calls on his Blackberry while taking a shit: The Mens' Room is not your personal fucking phone booth....moron.
That is all...
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
1:14 p.m.
thoughts to ponder
...Proud Mossy keep on....(bikin'?)
Rollin' to the GO Train....
Yes, sports fans, today was the first bike ride of the season to the GO train. I know I could have been out sooner, but those 6:45AM temperatures are a little on the low side for the Stony one's comfort and happiness. Normally this event is cause for more quiet celebration and reflection, but (in what DW would probably classify as a moment of weakness) I have signed up for the Heart & Stroke Ride for Heart on June 4. One of the higher ups here at the office decided to put together a corporate team and I jumped on board. Keeping a small measure of sanity I elected NOT to do the 50km or the 75km ride..I'm just on for the 25km trek. The advantage of the 'shorter' route is that we start around 7:15AM and then I can be home and recovering by noon or shortly afterwards.
(As a side note, anyone wanting to sponsor me can do so by clicking this link and using the secure online payment option. Tax receipts available for Canadians, but all donations gratefully received.)
I'm sure there was more I wanted to talk about, but this will do for the moment.
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
12:23 p.m.
thoughts to ponder
61 years ago: V-E Day.
Lest We Forget
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
12:21 p.m.
thoughts to ponder
I have to say that last week really sucked rocks (professionally speaking.)
This week, however seems to be much the opposite and I *finally* got some of the feedback and contact and info I was looking for. *applause*
It was a busy, busy weekend with my DW stuck at work and The Girl laid out sick and The Boy needing to be picked up & dropped off at various Cadet things AND my performance looming on Sunday.
Friday night was highlighted by an overflowing toilet in the kids' bathroom at 9PM-ish and I thanked my lucky stars for having the foresight to purchase a wet-dry Shop-Vac. Cuz that's how everyone wants to spend their Friday night, right?
DW and I managed to get out for dinner Saturday night with one of her good friends and her husband. We had a great time, as usual, but when we got home my stomach started sending "fuck you!" messages. I wasn't sure of it was something I ate or whether I had just over-eaten. Maybe the 3 Stongbow ciders didn't help. My head was absolutely pounding. I couldn't tell if I was going to be sick or not. Even with 3 ibuprofen I kept begging for someone to cut off my head (from the eyebrows up would suffice) but got no takers. I thought I was gonna hurl, and then not and then back again. Needless to say I felt absolutely dreadful and its been quite some time since I felt oogey like that.
Defying logic I managed to get some sleep and feel a little better on Sunday AM. I had to drop The Boy off at a parade and then get to my Dad's temple for the big service. I survived the performance, although my stage presence after a 20 year layoff wasn't quite what it should have been. I mangled the opening piece, but settled into it about halfway through. I wound up having to sight-read one of the hymns, but I lucked out because it was Beethoven's Ode To Joy. Just about anyone can fake that. Dad took me for brunch afterwards as a small thank-you and then he wound up back at my place to take advantage of my Shop-Vac. We ran to Canadian Tire to search for a replacement spark plug and air filter for the Lawn-Mower-from-Hell. (got the plug, struck out on a new curse for having the most popular model of engine) After receving a "hey, you wanna...?" text message from Penny, I managed to convince Dad to take the kids for an icecream run. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* (life is good sometimes)
We picked up a DVD for the kidlets and some DaVinci Code-inspired documentaries for us to enjoy to wrap up Sunday night.
So here I sit, close to lunch hour...watching life go by with a bit of a smile on my face.
Happy Monday!
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
11:40 a.m.
thoughts to ponder
Time ebbs and flows and sometimes stops. Does the time of your life mean something you've had or something which passes? Every breath leaves you one less to your last. (How's that for a lovely, uplifting thought?) A morning seems so full and fleeting yet the afternoon moves like a slow, meandering stream. Time can be cruel and deceitful that way. My desk makes me a prisoner of time yet I willingly return. Fatalistic? No. Dedicated? Maybe. Too much time when you don't need it and never enough of it when you do.
Am I alone in preferring to be busy than to be idle? Idle is bad. The hands become the devil's playthings, so they tell me. Whoever they are. Of course, "they" might be the ones heaping scorn on the latest revelations from a Coptic gospel making a bad guy into a not-so-bad guy. He didn't have a good time at all, did he. Time to be born, time to die and all that crap. Time and time and time again. Time never waits and time never ends. Wasn't Merlin time-challenged? How do you live backwards in time? Does that mean that everything about him was backwards? Think about it. EVERYTHING. Can someone exist in multiple times? Could be cool but I have no idea how you'd manage the whole grocery thing.
*time check* 2:05. Shit. Not time to go yet.
Maybe I should pretend that I have a deadline or something. Nope. Can't fake that. I need real deadlines. But I sit waiting for answers from people who don't have the TIME to get back to me even though time passes closer and closer to the deadlines they gave me. Hello? Is this thing on? Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care? Hey, remember the time, when....
When? When what?
When I had the time? Or was more patient about it? Or cared less about it? John Cleese did it best in Clockwise. Of course, he made an ass of himself in the process.
2:33. Not good.
"And then this one time? At band camp?"
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
1:35 p.m.
thoughts to ponder
(Disclaimer: This post isn't a political one, per se...just an observation of recent happenings)
Sometimes it amazes me that we blindly and willingly elect such "interesting" people to local office.
I make exceptions for people such as Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion, who actually has a clue.
I shook my head at this little tidbit, and then thanked Biff that I moved eastward. I'd like to see by-law inspectors try to enforce that law if it comes to pass.
Now, I've often been told I should run for some kind of office. I mean there's lots of nice little perks, like going to Leafs games, or having expense accounts. But me? Elected?? Nope. No way. Not a freakin' chance. First, I have enough juicy skeletons that I'm sure someone would have a lot of fun with them. Second, I lack the patience necessary to deal with the follies of local politics. I don't think my elected colleages would appreciate being labeled "asshat" on a regular basis. Finally, I just couldn't spend so much time with either my head up my ass or with my lips firmly planted on someone else's ass just to get some trivial approval completed.
Two pieces in the local rag expose some of our elected officials for their sheer boobery. I mentioned Leafs games. Right. Some time back a couple were in attendance at a game and some large, loud, inebriated soul behind them was waxing "poetic" (read: expletive) about Politics and the Green Party and all that sort of dreck. Husband turns to soul above and asks him to dial it down a notch. The request wasn't met with much welcome, if the response was any indication. Security was called and the lump was removed from the facility. The inevitable question came up..."who was that guy?" One of his seat-mates produced a business card with the name of a City Councillor and said "I think this is him."
Oh dear.
So the couple heads home and drafts a letter to the city clerk. Of course, this letter gets leaked to the media and the Councillor in question vehemently denies such an incident, claiming:
"This is unbelievable. I wasn't even at the game, so someone's trying to do a real hatchet job on me, let me tell you," said Ford, adding he has not been at the Air Canada Centre since Christmas. "I can't believe it. I can't believe what they're writing."
and on the subject of his business card being passed out:
Ford said he couldn't explain how his business card was being passed out.
"I have no idea. Someone's trying, obviously out there to get me. I'd like to know who these people are. I have no idea." When asked if the allegations were bogus, Ford said: "Absolutely. It's slanderous if you ask me."
Oh dear.
Well, today comes and a very sheepish and chagrined Rob Ford admitted his part in the whole sorry episode. This is a guy who is talking about a run at the Mayor's chair next fall.
Let's just watch that little dream go up in smoke, shall we?? Of course, this is in the same burg where Tom Jakobek thought he could run for mayor despite his exceedingly creative bookkeeping when it came to our good friend Dash Domi. So who knows?
I also mentioned expense accounts? Right.
We move a little further east where the councillors are under somewhat less scrutiny and think they can do a little retroactive justification on their expenses.
There are some expenses associated with public office and common practice has the councillors claiming such expenses and being reimbursed (its often easier to pay for things yourself and claim it afterwards) [Sidebar note: Toronto's media has a watch list for who spends the most and the least amount of their annual office's interesting reading.] Anyhoo, this particular councillor decided that it was okay to run up some bogus claims and pocket the coin.
Apparently this is why God invented forensic accountants.
So there you have it. Evidence in abundance for the concept of term limits for local officials. Get in, make your mark, and get out.
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
1:07 p.m.
thoughts to ponder
I'm posting my birthday blog.
Yes, the Stony One gathered a little more moss this past weekend. To butcher another analogy, If you cut me open you could count 38 rings.
Yep That's right. 38.
Less than 2 years to 40 now.
Oh gawd...
*giving head a shake*
Forty, shmorty. Who cares? I don't look my age and biff knows I don't act it. (I even have the Meme to prove it) So, the age becomes another number. It just means that I have to replace my drivers' license next year, that's all.
All in all it was a pretty good weekend. The weather was lovely and my in-laws brought over some monster steaks for us (read: The Stony One) to BBQ. The Dad came over as well and we gorged ourselves silly.
Penny had a last-minute change of direction with her gift buying (she had already thrown a couple of ideas at me) and got me a sizeable gift card for Home Despot, complete with a note saying "for sawdust purposes only". That means I get to use it for my own woodworking projects, not for household reno.
There were a few other small monetary offerings (all well received, of course) however, the topper was from the Wondertwins. Apparently they came up with this idea all on their own. Who knew I was getting promoted?
From this:
To this:
What can I say? It's a gift....
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
11:44 a.m.
thoughts to ponder