yadnoM cinaM
?sdrawkcab tsop eritne siht etirw ot erew I fi neppah dluow tahw rednow I
.did I sseug I, hO
(raedrehtoM ,noitcerroc eht rof sknahT)
Step-parenthood, Hockey, Gripes, Observations, Feckless meanderings and other assorted written tidbits.
?sdrawkcab tsop eritne siht etirw ot erew I fi neppah dluow tahw rednow I
.did I sseug I, hO
(raedrehtoM ,noitcerroc eht rof sknahT)
From the brain of
Mossy Stone
12:50 p.m.
Some of us wouldn't be able to read it and some of us are still fucked up from this weekend and didn't really notice a difference.
I figured you might actually make sense of it, given how re-wired your brain is after the weekend's festivities.
Oh did it actually make sense? Damn, and all along I thought your blog was random nonsense. :P
My head hurt before now... thanks Mossydude. ;-)
Methinks thou has less to do than I. ;)
You'll note this was done during my lunch hour when I choose to give my brain a break from the madness.
Po: .sdrawrof evah dluow I sa sdrawkcab ylisae sa tsuj taht daer dluoc I si trap yracS
.gninrom siht deb eht fo edis gnorw eht no pu gnitteg fo uoy esucca thgim enoemos spahrep taht gnikniht m'I.
Good grief...blog spam.
Lunch hour? Whateva, homer! That only works for really anal retentive bosses and I don't think your is. My lunch hour is whenever I damn well feel like stuffing my face. That could be ten times over the course of the day if I don't go out with anyone for a formal lunch period.
In any case, you still need to pop by for a liquid lunch.
Liquid lunch???
I'm game!
Oh, and Mossy - ynnuf yrev.
How many times have I told you to stop writing your "pots" backwards??? :)
That was tough to read. I think I'm permanently cross-eyed now. And I didn't have nearly as much trouble with your original post as I did with the word "accuse" in Penny's comment. Geez. I stared at "esucca" for at least 15 seconds...*hangs head in shame*
I'm gonna go to the penalty box, and sit and think about what I've done. :)
Feel shame!
.yaw siht tuo ti depyt yllautca I
I had no problems reading it either.
PS I love what you've said for my link!
daer ot drah yrev ton....cixelsyd m'I
.oot ,ti daer dluoc i tub ,cixelsyd ton m'i
!tluafed yb kaerf a uoy sekam taht .retsis ym e'ruoy tub,haey
.oddik ,secalp thgir eht ni sehportsopa ym tup neve nac i
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