Monday, December 12

I got tagged, but...

Kal tagged me for one of those "dig in your archive" posts.

Only one problem: my 22nd, 23rd, and 24th posts aren't long enough or content worthy for this little exercise.

What to do? Do I violate that sacred oath that binds me to obey the tag, the whole tag, and nothing but the tag? If I sin, is there a confessional?

Help a brother out, will ya?


Penny said...

Cheat, hunny. Cheating's good. At least on blog meme's.... any other kind of cheating is strictly verboten.

Hi Ed!! *waves and big smiles*

Callie said...

I don't always do what I'm tagged to do, either. And I can't do this one, because I don't even have 23 entries on my blog. Woot!

Mossy Stone said...

Ed: Welcome, and please consider yourself blogrolled.

I suppose it's some kind of confessional. Does this make template updates some kind of penance?

Larry said...

Take whatever content there is on your 23rd post, use it, say 4 hail marys, and 7 our fathers. If that doesn't help, there is nothing for you.

Penny said...

23rd psalm, 23rd post...4 hail marys and 7 our fathers....

I think Larry's got some catholic guilt goin' on.

Kal said...

Well, actually, and I reveal this with some trepidation... I didn't do my 23rd post either (it was a little bit of nothing), so cheat without fear of remorse, Moss.