Monday, December 5

Well, Crap

I'm not particularly interested in the miserable year that will occur, if DW's prediction (77) also holds true.

I am going to die at 80. When are you? Click here to find out!


Penny said...

aww hon, that year will give you just enough time to spend my life insurance on some young blonde, well bosomed bimbo who will Anna Nicole you (without the trashy aspect) into your deathbed.

And God help you when you crossover, cuz I'll be waiting for you...

Mossy Stone said...

I'm already getting shagged into my deathbed one shag at a time and I'm loving every minute of it.

heh heh heh...

Penny said...

I guess you could say that I shag well.


(Penny) Shagwell.

Get it?

heh heh heh

Oh god, the drugs are making me silly