Insomnia sucks
For the past two nights sleep has been somewhat elusive. Now, Monday night you'd think I was suitably tired from hockey and would therefore sleep soundly.
No dice.
Fine. I can deal with that. I'll just work from home on Tues and I should be nice and wiped and be ready to face the world on Wed.
Once again I find myself watching re-runs of CSI at oh-dark-thirty, wondering why the sleep isn't coming. TV is usually the Rx for my sleepessness.
Not this time.
I finally drag my ass to bed at 3AM, and then Shadow the Howler starts up downstairs. I suspect it was 3:30 or later when I finally got unconscious. You can imagine how thrilled I was when the alarm went off this morning.
So, Penny convinced me to stay home because I'd basically be useless, so there was no point in going to work just for that when I can be useless at home, right?. (ed. note: that's my own spin on the logic, not her arguments in support of the suggestion.)
I did manage to get a little sleep and Penny called around 10:45 to make sure I didn't completely sleep the day away and mess myself up for tonight.
I've had some tea, I've had a bagel, I got dressed, I tidied a few things upstairs and I'm contemplating facing some of my now-encroaching deadlines.
But I still feel like shit...
I'm sorry, Mossy. Insomnia sucks. You can take some of my sleep anywhere anytime of the day, if it'll make you happy. I'm pretty sick of that, myself.
Cuz you were SICK, ya goof. Didn't want to admit it, but you were and I knew it.
Neener, neener neeeeeeeeeener.
Hope you feel better today, Poohkie. I love you.
xo P.
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