Friday, March 3

One Step Closer...

Subject: Royal Roads - Online Application Confirmation
Date: Fri, March 3, 2006 11:22 am
To: Stone, Mossy
Priority: Normal
Mailer: Microsoft CDO for Windows 2000

Royal Roads - Online Application

Thank you Mossy Stone for your interest in Royal Roads University. Your application form has been submitted for processing.

Please keep this confirmation email for your records.
The Confirmation Number for Your Credit Card Payment is : ********
Use the following application reference number for correspondence with Admissions: *****

(I have applied for their Masters' program in Learning & Technology...wish me luck!!)


Penny said...

You'll do it, baby. I have no doubt.

Just gonna hate being away from you for two weeks this summer.

WHO can I get to keep me company while you're gone? :oP

Mossy Stone said...

Oh, I'm sure the list will be long and distinguished...

Kal said...

Ahem... Volunteers needed to keep Penny company? I'm sure something could be arranged...

oh. Damn. I'm married. I forget that all the time...

Penny said...

And men wonder why we make them wear those silly gold bands around their fingers. It's just a nicer version of "tie a string around your finger, so you won't forget".