Friday, November 30

10 Good Things That Can Come From a Miscarriage* By Penny

1. I can now drink my way through Christmas, New Year's and, most
likely, our vacation at the end of January.

2. My pants are fitting again.

3. Meat no longer seems like the only food group, and chocolate is
actually tasty again.

4. I am not consistently, horribly and ridiculously exhausted.

5. I was allowed to take large doses of codeine for about six days.

6. We get to "try again".

7. Two weeks off of work that don't count as my vacation.

8. I can take Advil when I have a headache.

9. Hot, hot, HOT baths are no longer verboten.

And finally....

10. My hormones are back in order, which means sex on a very regular
basis. Can I get a "Hell, yeah?"

*Because I have to find humour in it... that's just they way I am


Kal said...

Good for you.

Callie said...

Have a drink for me, too!!!

Have a great time with the whole "trying again". ;-)


Rose said...

I haven't been visiting blogs for a while .. sorry for the late "sorry" - but please accept my heartfelt condolences.

Outburst said...

I remember when we had our first miscarriage, we took solace in the fact that MD told us that it was often the body's way of rejecting a body that wasn't forming genetically the way it should.
If born, that would proof tough on the child and the parents.
It's just nature's way of telling you that it's not the right time. Next year might be a different story. =)
Enjoy the holidays, and the eggnog.

Callie said...

Hope you two have a wonderful holiday season.

Miss you guys!


duff said...

just thought i'd stop by and say "hi". hope you're both doing well.