Tuesday, November 20

And just like that...

Maybe I should re-visit that lesson about the counting of the chickens.

The ultrasound on Thursday revealed that the pregnancy didn't take the way
it was supposed to. There's lots of medical jargon involved and no blame
to be assigned to people or situations but it doesn't ease the pain by any

My heart hurts...


Ed said...

Oh no. I'm so sorry.
Thinking of you both.

Dirty Gypsy said...

I'm so, so sorry. Big hugs to both of you - you're in my thoughts. I love you guys.

Motherdear said...

Mossman, Penny and I have already talked about this, so you know how I feel.

I'd love to say at least it is fun getting pregnant again, but you don't need to hear that right now.

Grieve, my son. It's totally appropriate and totally deserved. But know there is hope. And it will be all that much sweeter when your child is born because of this.

You have my prayers, my sorrow, my love.


Bat-Rider said...

My friend - I send my thoughts and prayers

Callie said...

I'm so sorry.

It will happen when and if it's supposed to. Right now, just hold onto each other. You are two of the best people I've ever met.

Kal said...

hey... so sorry to hear