Friday, April 15

Blog-a-Thon Continues...

Courtesy of the Free Writer, I bring you the question and answer session called the Blog-a-Thon. (Rules posted below.)

FW: What would happen if Calvin and Hobbes met Mr. Clean?
MS: I dunno, would Mr. Clean be able to see Hobbes? Mr. Clean would take one look at Calvin's house in the aftermath of some kind of whirlwind (bathtime, or say, an excavator in the living room, or filling the dishwasher with Chocolate Pudding) and after surveying the carnage, he'd grow his hair out, put on some kind of shabby robe, move to Bountiful, BC and get out ot the cleaning fluids business entirely.

FW: Do you care that the NHL season was cancelled, should the center line be removed?
MS: Now that my football season is fast approaching (June 11, here we come!) I'm living without the NHL with no sign of the DTs whatsoever. Of course, playing hockey twice a week keeps the twitchies away. Removing the red line? I dunno...some forwards are pretty stupid and might forget which part of the rink they're supposed to be in. This presumes that you didn't leave some big-ass chasm in the ice when you removed the line in the first place, right?

FW: When did you first realize that you weren't homosexual?[This is intended in good fun and to provoke a weird or profound answer]
MS: I never realized that I wasn't. I've just taken great steps to reinforce my beliefs in that area. *evil grin* Of course, this disappoints and old boss of mine no end because for the life of him he doesn't understand why I won't consider hopping the fence.

FW: You've just won $100,000 [I'm a cheapskate], what now?
MS: Oh man, is this before or after I get to Lee Valley for tools? (although if I blew the whole hundred large on tools and widgets I think my wife might shit a kitten.) Okay...budgeting, budgeting...fuck. I've got it. I'd pay Rik Emmett $50K to come to my house and really teach me to play guitar...then I'd pay RUSH the other $50K to let me sit in for Neil Peart for a set.

FW: Name your dream gadget.
MS: Is this a two-parter with the one about the hundred large?? Dream gadget....holy crap...How about my own orbital spacecraft with a workshop built in? Shit, I'll need room for a library, too. Okay, the International Space Station qualifies as my ultimate gadget. Until someone builds me my own NCC-1701...

Blog-a-Thon Rules:

I'll offer to interview the next how many ever people to respond to this post that will follow these rules:
  1. Leave me a comment saying "interview me." Please also leave your blog address.
  2. I will respond by asking you five questions here. They will be different questions than the ones above.
  3. You will update YOUR blog with the answers to the questions.
  4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
  5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Stephen said...

yay, Rush! One of the all time great Canadian bands! Nice answers. Gee, i guess I look like Mr. Clean after dealing with Calvin.

Mossy Stone said...

We aim to please, dude...

Anonymous said...

Hey...just remember, Mossy, you're married now. Half of that $100k belongs to me, baby!

Mossy Stone said...

Um, I was gonna buy you something, hunny...yeah, that's it...that's the ticket!

joanne said...

Interview me :)

Dtrini said...

OK, now for the dark side of the duo. Interview me!