Wednesday, April 27

Happy Birthday, Kato!

I had cause to think of an old friend today. He was a great friend in my University days but I met him through my summers in the Army Reserve. His Birthday was shortly before mine so we would sometimes celebrate together.

(Although I have to wonder if he's ever truly forgiven me for having him 'kidnapped' for his 21st...)

Anyway, through the good graces of Google, I managed to track him down, drag his ass over to MSN and completely floor him by reappearing.

So Happy Birthday, you bastage...bagels with cream cheese & lox on me next time I'm in Ottawa. *grin*


Anonymous said...

I forgot about that kidnapping. While you're at it, why don't you give me a parer cut and pour lemon juice on it!

Kristin said...

I'm not sure Penny would appreciate that suggestion for her papercut ;-)

And Mossy, I'm still waiting *nag*

Penny said...

No! No lemon juice! Well, unless it's sticking salt to the rim of my margarita glass. If so, BRING IT ON!!