Monday, April 11

Returns and Farewells

Back at the office today, having been away for my e-learning course. I suppose there's an advantage to being wired up with the crackberry because I don't really have any outstanding emails to deal with. However, I do feel a certain loss of momentum being absent from my veal-fattening pen for so long.

I am, to put it mildly, dragging my ass. With my hockey game being so late last night I didn't get home until well past my bedtime. Of course, DW and I were running around like mad with a Hockey Tournament for The Boy down at the local Arena all weekend, to say nothing of buying new bikes for the Wondertwins and doing all the necessary adjustments... *sigh*

My winter hockey season wrapped up with a disappointing loss in the Division final. I also said good-bye to the team I've played with for the past 5+ years. I knew it was coming, but it didn't make breaking the news any easier. I admit, it hasn't always been a fun ride and we've lost more games than we've won, but still, it's a good team and we've come a long way since the start of Beginner hockey. I take a certain quiet pride in knowing that a) I've played more games with that team than anyone else, and b) I never missed a season. I leave the team in relatively good administrative hands and I've already made arrangements for a replacement goalie, and I know he'll be a bit of an upgrade in skills.

So why do I still feel a twinge of sadness?

Anyway, I'm now on an unheard-of month long hiatus from hockey. I start with my new teams when I get back from the cruise in May.


Dtrini said...

OK, this is just sad. Hockey in the summer. You and I have to have a little chat. I am working on a very caustic post about you know what so we may need to collaborate. The visual of you dragging your ass is something to savour though. Watch out for sharp objects.

Mossy Stone said...

Dude, which "you know what" are you referring to? There are so many...

Dtrini said...

Ah, this would be the "W" one as we cannot actually say its name or what goes on there since they like firing people that do these days. So much for free speech. Should have know though; my father always said that nothing in life is "free". :)