Watch out for that Sonic Boom!
That's Monday whipping by at high speed. Holy crap, what a day.
I don't really feel that I've stopped since last week. This weekend was pretty full and I was going back and forth to work stuff all weekend (in and around kid events, yard work, etc.)
I do feel better for having made some headway with our e-learning stuff. I was getting some ideas for how to rebuild our existing backgrounds and navigation stuff and I made that my mission for today. Of course I didn't let a pesky hurdle like lack of local software stop me (thank god for old P2P dowloads from days past.) So I added the graphics tools I needed and I was off to the races.
Next time I looked up it was 11:30. Did some more work, wolfed down lunch, then back to the grind.
Look up again, and its almost 3. Reward myself with a celebratory Root Beer and play around with some new ideas.
End result of today's efforts?
A brand new "look" for future e-learning content; one that can aslo be used for software simulations as well as the other stuff we're doing. Even got a full set of nicely interactive navigation buttons all build and 'programmed' and ready to go. I think our content is going to look a lot more professional.
Of course, this was the goal all along.
All this heady success gets me kinda celebratory and frisky. I see other rewards ahead. *grin*
And were you sufficiently rewarded?
I think that's an understatement...
K - without the grammatical errors, that post was supposed to say: "Good to know, because for some men, going home to their wife is more a penance than a reward"
(Stupid coffee-depleted brain...)
...then may I aspire to be one of those men who are continually rewarded.
Frisky? At work? Good God man, remember the cameras!!!!
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