Friday, June 17

How NOT to spend your Friday morning

At the risk of heading into TMI territory, I've been dealing with some abdominal pain for the last couple of days. It's all localized on the left side. Franky, it's driving me bananas.

Last night it was bugging me and when I got up this morning, it was worse. So after a quickie SMS consult with my home physician (DW) I went straight to the walk-in clinic downtown instead of to the office.

The sequence runs something like this:

  • get in, show health card, wait for doc
  • wait
  • wait some more
  • Go in, Nurse asks what's wrong
  • Tell nurse, wait for doc.
  • Give up "sample" to rule out infection
  • Wait
  • Doc comes in. Asks same questions, gets same responses.
  • Asks more questions
  • Prods, pokes, etc., etc.
  • Sends me for XRay in same clinic space
  • Go to XRay
  • Receptionist says, "closed to XRay, no tech today"
  • Go back to doc's office.
  • Doc and Nurse pissed at XRay situation
  • Send the Stony one to other clinic a few blocks away
  • Wait
  • Get XRay done. "Yeah, the doc will phone in a report this afternoon"
  • Me:
  • Go back to Doc
  • wait
  • Tell Doc. Doc tells me a couple of possibilities for condition, but will call this afternoon.
  • The Stony one finally arrives at work

However, I'm going to head home and work from there this afternoon and see if I can get some symptomatic relief. *sigh*


Kal said...

Stone, wanna talk about the Canadian vs. American health systems again?

Of course, ours does cost a heck lot more...

Penny said...

I hope the only reference you have to make to "stones" is your name, hunny.

Kal - there's got to be a happy medium between your healthcare and ours. What do they do in Sweden??

Off to pick up my sick Mossy, soon. Silly goose shouldn't have gone into work to begin with.

Mossy Stone said...

Its free, but not always speedy. However, considering that the whole sequence took only 90 minutes, I can't really complain.

Larry said...

Damn, 90 minutes would be a blessing, I am moving to Canada and gettin naturalized.

Penny said...

Careful, Larry, that means you have to learn to say "eh", drink Tim Horton's coffee and eat TimBits.

Dtrini said...

Not to mention one cannot rush into drinking real beer; it must be broken in to. When one goes from water to alcohol, one must take one's time. You will also have to be nice to other people, look out for others and practice being a doormat to the world.

Oh, and you will have to stifle your laught when things like Armed Forces, National Identity, nuclear subs and public transit are discussed.

There is a lot more to being a Canadian than people realize. It is a hard, 24-7 existence, what with all the independant thought we have to engage in and such.


(Did I mention I LOVE America though? Where else am I going to find a Steak and Shake?)