Wednesday, June 29

This won't surprise DW one bit...

Click here to take the M*A*S*H quiz!


Dtrini said...

Is it the receeding hairline, the over active bladder, the drinking problem or the inability to leave a dangerous situation? :)

I trust I will be in robes and martinis right there with you.

Penny said...

Well, check out mine, honey. I always knew we were a great pair.

I'm honourable, funny and sweet, with a great sense of morals.

And you were a real slut-puppy ....

(what I meant to say was...)

Kal said...

Oh, I knew this wouldn't end well.. I'm Col. Potter. I've got to stop answering these questions truthfully...

Mossy Stone said...

Yeah, there's a whole homoerotic angle there that I'd just as soon leave unexplored. =oP

Penny said...

I'd rather think of it as we're soulmates on a higher level than gender.

Does that assuage the homophobic concerns, hunny?

Larry said...

How did I getto be the priest?