Monday, December 25

U is for Unexpected

Unexpected is right. Penny and I were her parents, that is. We pulled off the complete and total surprise of her parents when we showed up last night. They were really touched that we came down to spend Christmas with them. Nothing like a little positive karma for future use. ;-)

Unexpected also refers to the amount of rain we're receiving. At this time of year we can expect brief showers on & off during the day. However, we've had a rather steady downpour for the balance of the afternoon. Before the rains really hit Penny and I managed to hit the nearby pool and hot tub for some totally unseasonal Christmas Day swimming. Sure beats the Polar Bear Swim hands-down.

I hope this Christmas Day finds you well and enjoying the day wherever you are.


Callie said...

Hope you had a fantastic Xmas. Congrats on the big surprise.

Larry said...

Hope you guys had fun, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Way late, I know.