Thursday, March 8

Persistence of Dubious Celebrity

I've never been someone enamoured by celebrity culture. Sure, every once
in a while its interesting to open an eyelid and see what folly takes
place, but its usually just a yawn at best.

Of course, there are a few little things that catch your eye...sorta like
a really ugly person wearing something far too revealing or a car crash.

I admire the Associated Press' decision to stop reporting anything about a
certain wayward hotel heiress. For once, I think the media clued in that
there was little value in following her every move and that the world did,
indeed continue without the endless check-in on her antics.

Then there's the circus around a certain late pneumatic blonde Bahama
Mama. In and of itself it was defintely an interesting study in humanity
and I'm sure there's years worth of fodder for the tabloids. Then there's
the madness surrounding the paternity of her toddler.

...which brings me to the latest outrageous media whoring comment from a
certain former football star and Bronco racer. He, too, waded into the
fray with a suggestion about his own likelihood for paternity of said
child...."if he did it", of course. Now, if anyone has seen pictures of
the mite, they know that the likelihood of this particular glove-wearing,
Cato-loving dingbat are exceedingly remote....right up there with the
chances of me being named Pope.

I wonder what an alien species would make of all this? Sometimes
journalism really aims for the lowest common denominator in smut and
attempts to titilate us with the latest escapades. With a few notable
exceptions, most of these so-called celebs have contributed sweet jack to
the betterment of society and have likely helped to contributre to the
wholesale raping of our better judgement in picking up some rag and
reading it. Fortunately, they are demonstrating some ecological
consideration by ensuring their antics get thrust at us via the Internet
which, of course, is made from 100% recycled post-consumer electrons.

However, my favourite celebrity will remain "Global Despot-in-training"
Kal Jones. Although, I think he's in grave danger of believing his own
propaganda. Don't believe me? Go check his latest campaign

[rant off...for now] ;-)


Rose said...

Ah, but you're missing a very important point. The purpose of this "journalism" is to deflect attention from all the bizarre and evil stuff going on down hee-yah. By now, a significant proportion of our population probably thinks that Walter Reed is one of Dannilynn's potential babydaddies.

It isn't lazy journalism - it's all very, very carefully crafted.

/tinfoil rant

Kal said...

Gee, I'm flattered... I think...

(You know, I thought of a wiseass comment like, what, Penny only reads your blog now if it's about me... But that would be mean...

BWa ha ha ha)

Penny said...

I heard this morning that said glove-wearing ex-footballer has explained the fact he could be the father even though he was apparently "with" the aforementioned Bahama Mama in March - and she conceived in June.

Apparently he has "slow sperm".

[pause for dramatic effect]

Isn't nature and survival of the fittest supposed to take of complete morons like this?