Wednesday, March 21

That's not a Calf, that's a Cow!

As my remaining readers know, Penny and I have been active at the gym with our trainer, young Wesley Crusher. Because we had just finished another 12 sessions with him, it was measurement day yesterday.

Now, I had made a significant drop in my body fat percentage and achieved some "inches" loss last time, so I was interested to see where we were this time around. As Wes warned us, we might actually lose inches, but we'd appear to be bigger because of better muscle definition, etc. So I was okay with that. I have no interest in achieving a bodybuilder-type look, but some better overall tone is certainly what I'm hoping for.

While the upper body still needs some work (although my biceps, shoulders and lats are coming along nicely) my legs are no problem. They get lots of work in hockey and they developed nicely in the Army, and when I was lifting weights regularly years ago.

Wes did all the measurements and then go to the calf. When I got started with all this, my calf muscles were at 16¾". After dropping the fat, they went down to 16¼". This is good!. Yesterday? After 12 more sessions?

Seventeen. Freakin. Inches.

Holy crap! That's bigger than my neck!(16½")

It brought to mind an observation from an old Army buddy of mine. We were out for morning PT one day in the late spring. It was nice & warm and shorts were definitely the order of the day. Wally was running behind me on this trek and when we were abck at the Armoury doing stretches and ab work afterwards he remarked, "Geezus, [Stone], those aren't calves...those
are COWS...they're f**king huge!"

So, there I am. Walking around with heifers below my knees.

Do with that what you will.


Bat-Rider said...

Just as long as those cows don't have utters....

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what to say to this M dude. Umm hrm

I think I might just leave it be.

Mossy Stone said...

BR: Having done the R4H with you last year, I can safely say that you're in a similar boat. (Note to readers: This man is an insane cyclist, possessed of calf muscles that look like softballs....honest!)

Dtrini said...

I think it is rather untoward of you to be exposing BR's personal stuff. The fact that he has softballs is really only his wife's issue and she seems to have no issue with them. Are you anti-softballs? Is this some kind of manly challenge to go up against his softballs for comparison? What is the motivation in your handling of his softballs and this topic?

Mossy Stone said...

My friend, you are clearly in need of some guidance with respect to reading and critical thinking. I made no reference to his balls, soft or otherwise. If you will note, the comparison was a Simile between his well-honed calf muscles and a softball.

Bat-Rider said...

ahhhh dtrini do I dare say "beat me" to it - I was going to seek clarification you were looking at my calves.

One thing is clear our institute hours Monday - Friday has reduce our critical thinking, that I am sure we can all agree on :0)

Dirty Gypsy said...

Goalie legs. :)

something said...

fat ass . . .

fat legs

Kal said...

Well, so long as you don't have cankles we can let this slide...

Larry said...

When your calves are bigger than the rest of your leg, it's freakish. Until then, be proud of those cattle.