Friday, August 18

Almost done....

My group presentation is done and its the last day of my residency. I'm brain-weary but really pumped about what I've learned so far. Choosing the program here was definitely the right call. There are some really, really smart people in my cohort and, as one of my collegagues mentioned, it feels like I have a faculty body well beyond the 3-4 profs.

I'm excited to be going home to my DW and to the simple pleasures of sleeping in my own bed, snuggling with Penny and pulling the cat out of whatever it is she's getting into.

A long 2 weeks but a good two weeks. Just have to get through the long flight home...


Kal said...

It's longer east to west, isn't it.

Just ring the bell and give me ten seconds to get a good running start, would you?

Bwa ha ha

Penny said...

LMAO. Y'know, Kal, it hasn't gone unnoticed that you went on "vacation" while Mossy was away.

Just remember: Look around, act surprised, deny, deny, deny.

Kal said...

uhh... I meant to say west to east. Really, I did. I'm not completely stupid.

Mossy Stone said...

You're in Government...its expected

Penny said...

It is actually longer east to west. See, Kal? You were right all along!

I just confirmed the east/west thing with Mossy and he started talking earth rotations and tail winds. Sheesh - these edjimicated types.