Sunday, March 4

Shameless Academic Geekery

Greetings from the second floor of the Stone-Shagwell Manor, where I
currently sit, slaving away at the first assignment for my latest course.
(Okay, so if I'm blogging I'm not, like, totally slaving at it, but you
get the idea, right?)

Anyway, through the kind asupices of my favourite Trini, I am the
temporary keeper of a wireless router. The Manor House has been of the
wired variety of late simply because neither Her Ladyship nor myself
required the freedom of a wireless connection and I admitted to some grave
concerns about security, et al. Our existing router/firewall worked
nicely, so why change?

However, with school work on the go I want the freedom to be almost
anywhere in the house. Of course, I have that freedom with my laptop, but
if I'm sitting comfy somewhere with a paper in progress, I want to be able
to pull up a journal article and keep going. Under the old setup that
meant going to Penny's computer, digging up the article, transferring it
to my USB key and then taking it to wherever the laptop was. Not exactly
how I'd prefer to be spending my writing time.

However, the router is working quite nicely and I am sitting here on the
bed, away from most distractions and hacking away at this silly-ass paper.
Apparently I am not alone among my classmates in a lack of motivation or
interest in getting this one cranked out. Fortunately, its only 2000
words and requiring little research. Thank Biff for reflective

I'm sure there's more I could babble about but I've been distracted enough
for the time being and this damn thing ain't gonna write itself. Enjoy
your day wherever you are and whatever/whomever you are doing.

BTW, has Larry fallen off the face of the planet? Did he meet a horrible
fate atthe hands of the Rocky Mountain Yeti while skiing??


something said...

dude - wtf happened with the blue jackets . . .

Mossy Stone said...

Hey, welcome back, Joe! I replied to your comment on your new blog. Consider it christened.

Penny said...

Wouldn't that be the Shagwell-Stone Manor?

I took your name, not the other way around... Though we could both be Shagwells. I think you'd do my maiden name rather proud.

Besides which, "Shagwell-Stone Manor" sounds better... a Stone Manor house... get it?

Do I have to spell it out for ya, dear? LOL