Dirty Gypsy speculations
Those of us who keep tabs on Larry's step-sib know that she's been AWOL for a while. Of course, there's probably a perfectly logical explanation for her absence, but I want to see what your nefariously creative and twisted minds can come up with.
(Having posted this, she'll probably re-surface this afternoon)
Seems Larry has disappeared too. I like Motherdears explanation on Gypsys disappearance in Larry's comments. :)
F%$*in ALIENS!
I killed her and placed her in a garbage bag and threw her in the river(I will not tell you which one). Hopefully the rocks keep the body down at the bottom long enough for the lovely marine life to do their worst. *maniacal laughter*
Okay, maybe that didn't happen. But, until she comes back(if she does) it will keep you all guessing.
Larry, I think you need to take over her blog (as she did yours) and blgo some fantastic, "Man, you wouldn't believe where I have been" story. Surely you can figure out her password?? If not, there's great software to break them. C'mon you're a PI - do some investigating!!!
whoa- gypsies and aliens together?
Kinda gives a whole new meaning to the "X" Files, doesn't it?
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