Wednesday, May 25

Before I forget...

I need to thank a fellow commuter on the train from Whitby for my morning head-shake.

This woman was wearing, no word of a lie, bright safety green pants, a matching shorty jacket, a similarly-toned green and black giraffe pattern top, and a suitable pair of green pedal pushers. This was a very fashionably cut outfit and she was clearly proud of it...but it was GREEN!!

I can't do justice to this level of green. Imagine a highway safety cone in a suitable shade. Remember when neon colours and accents were in? Not quite as illuminating. It was that kind of green. Kentucky Fried Chicken cole slaw green. Kermit the Frog green.

I'd never seen anything like that before. God willing, I never will again.


Mossy Stone said...

I wouldn't want the ASPCDC (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Digital Cameras) to be hunting me down!

duff said...

actually, i'm a bit disappointed there isn't a picture.

i know a coworker of mine would kill for that sort of outfit.

Mossy Stone said...

I honestly don't know if the duds should be commemmorated for posterity. Retinas everywhere would revolt!

duff said...

it's okay- i have sunglasses with me.