Tuesday, May 24

I have a decision to make...

One of my preferred reads, John Q. Public (formerly known as Average Joe) has been MIA since April 8. Given what I knew of some of the tumult in his personal and professional lives, I suppose that he might have just pulled his horns in and walked away for a while. He was, to a certain extent, a victim of his own popularity. There was no shortage of female viewers/readers (some of them not necessarily balanced and rational) who made it clear that they were more than willing to occupy his bed and he had only to give the word. Yeah, there's more context than that, but I'm going with the highlights here.

My dilemma is this: I already wrote an "obit" of sorts when the original Average Joe blog was taken down. Do I do one for John Q.? When his original blog was shut down (primarily under the weight of this misplaced admiration and obsession) I also wrote a lengthy missive on how people need to do a bit of a reality check when it comes to interpreting a blog. Short Version: it is NOT a definitive window into someone's life. It's a very, very small snapshot.

I've kept the link active in the hope that I won't have to pull it, but my gut tells me that John Q. might just be gone for good.

If so, it's a sad end to a favoured read and a disappointing outcome for a pretty cool guy.


Mossy Stone said...

I think you may be right, Kat. That concept will be my guide: if blogging isn't fun anymore, I'm gone. I dont' know if I'll be gone forever, but who knows.

(Unlike some people, though, I won't just depart with a crying jag saying that I'm gone forever, then come back with a new blog. That's just childish.)

But I digress. ;)

Penny said...

Hmmmm methinks that your last comment was a dig at someone?