I think Sting had it right
Yeah I know its my second musical metaphor this week. Deal with it. ;-)
Up early, bleary-eyed...pay through the nose for the privilege of living in the next area code. Confined by routine and the train schedule. God help those who can't get the Express train. Leave work early enough so you can even get a seat on the train. Ignorant, over-exuberant laughing morons on an otherwise silent car. Car? Drive to work? Are you nucking futz? Oh yes...remember to punch your ticket. The monthly lineups to pay for your pass because nobody can come forward with a better system, oh maybe like pre-payment and mailed-out passes. Nope...wouldn't want some lazy unionista ticket seller to lose a job. Not if it meants that they'd have to do any real work.....
Transfer from one system to another until the process is so routine that you can do it in your sleep, turning the remnants of your brain to mushy pulp, a process more corrosive than inter-office politics.
My brain needs stimulation. Is the commute causing atrophy? Am I getting stupid? Can your IQ diminish with each train-bound kilometer? Only my neurologist knows for sure.
Yep...suicidal lemmings we are. We're all going over the same intellectual cliff in some fuzzy-brained, single-minded torrent, just because everyone else did.
I have proof of this stupidity: I just missed my subway stop.
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