Monday, March 27

Parting is such sweet sorrow

So, maybe its not really good-bye? You know...they say you can never go home again, but in this case I believe it's possible. I mean, we've been together for a while now. We've shared, seen, and experienced so much.

It was a tough decision.

But, maybe its time to try a different direction for a while. A little while. You know. A change is as good as a rest, isn't it. DW was happy with my decision. In fact she has been encouraging me for a while. After a lot of reflection, I looked at myself in the mirror and decided that maybe it was time to try moving on.

My decision made, there's always a sense of trepidation about the new...the unknown...and what things were like before, but I still think I've made the right call. I did this once before under different circumstances, and I eventually came back to where I knew I belonged. So, you see, it's not forever.

Those of you who knew me as I was might still recognize me in my new guise, and those who see me now might never know what was.

And so it goes.

(What? oh, for heaven's sake....NO I'm not quitting the blog, you dunderheads. I shaved off my goatee.)



Kristin said...


Penny said...

NO, DON'T!! :oD

Mossy Stone said...'s my face and I'll make it fuzzy if I want to!

Callie said...

I personally like my men with chin hair. But that's just me . . .

Penny said...

but I like it when his face is smooth... lends itself SO well too... uh... anyway....


Mossy Stone said...

I repeat: It will come back.

Penny said...

Yeah, but not until after Easter. He gave up his beard for Lent.

Kal said...

Damn Mossy, yet another reason to be jealous of you. I let my face grow for three days and start getting the "if you ever want to get near me again you'll shave that awful thing off..."

and if I call her bluff on that, she starts throwing my clothes out the window...