Thursday, February 2

It all happened so fast

When I got home last night, I was fine.

By the time I woke up this morning, I needed Dristan. DW assures me that whatever 'this' is, it passes quickly. I hope so.


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Mossy Stone said...

It always is, baby. :)

Mossy Stone said... comment appears before yours...again..Go figure.

Penny said...

I'm sorry I shared my germs, baby. But ya gotta admit, it was FUN sharing, wasn't it?


Dtrini said...

Not if it is the shit I got at Christmas. It lasted over a month I am sorry to tell you. Still have lingering effects today though the cough is down to just a few times over the entire day instead of to the point that I want to pass out from lack of oxygen.

Mossy Stone said...

Despite the fact that I was playing hockey, I am almost certain that Kal has not had congress with my wife.