Friday, February 3


I'm still feeling icky but at least its not worsening. Whatever this little bug is, it completely saps my will to work. I dunno yet if that's a bad thing or not.

Did my bestest in hockey last night against a very determined team, but we came out on the low side. I was completely wiped by the time the game ended.

Penny is still a bit under the weather, too.

*sigh* I got nothin' else.

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Penny said...

ya got me...

Mossy Stone said...

Yep, I sure do, baby. Didn't mean to exclude you on that.

Mossy Stone said...

I dunno either, Ed. It seems blogger has an issue with some clock settings between me & DW.

I'm trying not to take it personally.

However, your point is well taken. We often consider that as prime therapy.