Monday, August 29

Monday sillies and other smatterings

Here are a few thoughts in no particular order.

  • I'm back to the salt mines today. In some respects its almost like I never left.
  • I'm putting the finishing touches on an e-learning deliverable which I will be quite happy to send out to the customer world after some roadblocks.
  • My regular bus driver is back on the morning run, replacing the idiot who took over for her on a summer rotation. Granted, she babbles on a bit, but at least my life isn't at risk when I step aboard.
  • In my haste to pack everything this morning, I managed to leave my book behind. Damnit. The Rule of Four is quite interesting...
  • My Sunday hockey team had its final game yesterday. A whopping 4 people showed up to play. So we ended our season with an ignonomous forefeit. One of the 3 players (he actually bothered to dress) and I joined our would-be opposition for an hour of shinny. Kinda sums up the whole experience, in my mind.

DW is apparently feeling sick. This is not a good thing. Shadow the Wonder Kitty has been embracing her inner bitch and is growling at everyone in sight, earning her several banishments and one dunking in the tub.


Gotta love Mondays...

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