Friday, August 5

What, fuzzy dice didn't cut it?

Ya know, I saw something like this on a truck near home a while ago and I thought it was just a couple of tennis balls in a sock. Who knew it was a product?

This is proof that sidebar ads on sites do indeed generate traffic...

I dunno if I'd see dtrini or Larry putting these on their respective rides. Danikabur, on the other hand...well, she might want it to look like a trophy. ;-)


Danikabur said...

Thats awesome! I'll get the brass ones. :D

Larry said...


Penny said...

I'm speechless. LMAO @ Dani & Larry.

Dtrini said...

And here I thought I made it very clear at work that I tend to do exactly what people think I'd never do. And, my friend, hanging nuts off the Roo is just up my alley. If I ever get my Pimpdaddy personalized license plate, it will be a sight indeed.

Dirty Gypsy said...

Well, Larry does need balls *somewhere*...

(Larry: Sorry, sorry. Too many jokes left-over from when you were with your ex, kiddo. I don't really mean it! Hey, where did you get that axe?? Uh...*GASP*...)