Wednesday, July 6

...and sometimes you just get lucky

So there I was, after the game last night.

I take off my mask and my gloves, peel off my jersey and my chest protector. I start putting them in the bag.

I see something in there that shouldn't be in there at this stage of the undress.




I did a retro-active cringe wondering just how I managed to brain-fart enough to completely forget a somewhat crucial piece of gear, especially considering the position I play.

I told the guys and they laughed.

They said I'd have to go without it for the next game, too...because obviously that was why we won.


Penny said...

And are you going to tell the lovely folks at home what I said when you told me you had forgotten your cup??

Mossy Stone said...

I didn't want to steal your thunder, dear...

Callie said...

I'm sure Penny would have issues with you playing without protection.

I'm a girl, and even just the thought of anything happening during the game makes me cringe.

Penny said...

Well, you almost injured my thunder last night, hunny. :oP

Larry said...

I would have immediately dropped to my knees and thanked the hockey gods repeatedly.

Mossy Stone said...

Deep: I should have stopped on the way home for a lottery ticket. I'm not a stand-up goalie. I'm kinda Hasek meets Irbe. Flailing around madly, hoping to stop the puck.

Larry: A number of gods, pagan and otherwise, were thanked. I tossed a chicken into the volcano on the way home. Yeah, I know. I had a chicken, but didn't do the lottery ticket. It was a funny kind of night.

Dtrini said...

OK, there is no way that I can go three bloody posts man, so here goes...

Could it be that you were not lucky but due to the climate conditions in the rink, it, er, simply always "missed" the little fella?

:) You're welcome.

Penny said...

No, no, no. You guys are looking at this all wrong. Mossy shot the entire luck load at hockey. There was no point in getting a lottery ticket - his luck was spooged all over the ice.

Dtrini: "Little Fella"? Oh honey, the things I could tell you. Maybe next time at Big Daddy's. :)