Saturday, October 8

Audioblog, here we come!

this is an audio post - click to play

There ya go, sports fans...the first one is done. I'm sure I'll be beseiged with requests to cease and desist. ;-)


D said...

Like md, I love how you say "about." That pronounciation always makes me smile. :-)

Dirty Gypsy said...

"We have ways of making you pronounce the letter 'O', pal!"

Sorry. Bad movie reference. :) Good to hear from ya, Mossy! *sigh* I guess I might have to cave and do this audioblogging thing. I tried once, but couldn't get through. Maybe I'll try again.

Mossy Stone said...

Steph, after your lengthy photo trail I think you owe it to the crowd of observers to let us hear those dulcet tones.




Danikabur said...

YAY!!!! Niiiiice voice!!