Monday, October 3

Mossy's Carpentry

Due to overwhelming demand, I am offering a photo of the re-built hockey equipment stand that was done for The Boy. Pretty simple pine construction. We found the maple leaf-shaped coat racks at Home Despot and I routed a spot along the main pillar to have them inset. Everything painted in Maple Leafs colours using Krylon, to give it a more solid finish. Top is a fence post cap. Enjoy!


Penny said...

You can also see our lovely well organized living space. The black lump on the corner of the desk is my favourite old sweater that I had tossed there after it got too warm in the house. It's actually hiding the telephone and answering machine.

And don't you just love our mass of cables?

The large gray object to your left is the cat's litterbox (Yes, it's in my office. Aren't I the lucky one?). On top of it is my box of stuff from Avon.

Why, you wonder, did Mossy take the picture here? Why, this is the cleanest and most organized spot in the house, of course.

Welcome to my world.

Awesome hockey stand, honey. Even if it is in Maple Leaf colours. I still think it should be Team Canada colours instead.

D said...

That's cool!

Mossy Stone said...

I could take the orders, MD, but I have no idea quite how I'd handle the shipping...

PS, next one I do will be in Team Canada colours. All I need now is an order...