Wednesday, January 4

In case you missed it...

...DW has responded to Motherdear's warning to Larry about his prolonged absence.

Thank heavens for an open and unfettered celebrity media machine, otherwise we could never have learned about his fate.

Personally, I'm just hoping for a postcard.


D said...

you'd think he would have invited us to the wedding reception.

Penny said...

I dunno. Would *you* have invited us to the wedding reception? We'd be the loudest table in the place and steal the spotlight from Elton...and we all know about his tiaras and tantrums.

Mossy Stone said...

Oh sure, if ltlme *does* get hitched we just gave away our grand floor show. By then it will be old hat, or EVERYONE will be doing it.


Penny said...

I must have my head far more into Stained Glass than I thought I did, cuz I just read your comment three times, and I still don't get it.

How can I still be having blonde moments when I'm not blonde anymore??

duff said...

sibling getting hitched?

*erupts into uncontrollable laughter*

i'm not sure that's legal in her state yet.

Mossy Stone said...

Hey, she can always come to Toronto :P