Thursday, January 12

Tag: Changing the rules

With apologies to duff, I couldn't figure out a way to articulate my 5 bad habits. I know I have bad habits, but since they're a little difficult to encapsulate and because I didn't feel up to a treatise on my personal shortcomings, it languished in draft mode for a while before being binned permanently.

Besides, those who know me already know my bad habits.

I did, however, come across an interesting Meme from Frank and Ava and it appealed to me, so I decided to do it.

Four Jobs I've Had:

  1. Picture Framer
  2. Graphic Artist
  3. Headhunter
  4. Corporate Trainer

Four Movies I Would Watch Over and Over:

  1. Anything Monty Python
  2. Das Boot
  3. Star Wars (series)
  4. Star Trek (series)

Four Places I've Lived:

  1. North Bay
  2. Toronto
  3. Ottawa
  4. Whitby

Four TV Shows I Love to Watch:

  1. StarTrek/M*A*S*H (tie)
  2. CSI
  3. American Chopper
  4. Insert cool history/technology Dicovery Channel program here

Four Websites I visit Daily:

Apart from my daily canon of blog reads, I can usually be found reading any of the following:

Four Favourite Foods:

  1. Virtually any pasta with a rich, home-made sauce
  2. Ribs
  3. My Aunt's mandarin-cashew salad
  4. KD (nothing like comfort food)

Four Places I'd Rather Be Right Now:

  1. Scotland
  2. Santorini
  3. Rome
  4. In a higher salary bracket

1 comment:

Dtrini said...

OK, I posted mine.