Wednesday, November 16

Okay, I posted

happy? *grin*


Danikabur said...

Uhhh..... NO

D said...

doesn't count.

Penny said...

Nope. Saying you posted doesn't count as a post. Nor does explaining what we did this weekend. I was there, I know what we did.

Post again.

Mossy Stone said...

*sigh* so many women to little time...

(oh wait, I have hockey tonight...)

Kal said...

hmmm... by my count you're at at least a foursome there...

Penny said...

Since you're going to hockey, anyone like to stand-in for Mossy at home??

Kal said...

Now we know Larry is dead, he would've jumped at that in a second

Penny said...

Dead? I feel so cheated.

Should we mourn, do you think?

Kal said...

Yes we should drink until Lowk falls asleep on the toilet.

Penny said...

Great, now I have "On the Night that Paddy Murphy Died" running through my head.

Good Celtic drinking song. Check out the lyrics here

wv: ksuxdx
Poor Kay - people shouldn't write bad things about her. :oP