Postblogs from the Edge
I had an epiphany this morning.
11:30 hockey games really stink.
The mighty squad lost 3-2 in a rather uncoordinated effort last night. *sigh* These things happen.
I allowed myself the indulgence of a much later train so I could enjoy a relatively rush-free morning while my brain recovers from its low-wattage situation.
At some point I may be to old for this, but for the moment, I'll cope.
On a wholly unrelated note, I an still feeling my literary frustrations. Like DW, I feels there are stories in me that are aching to get out. I know I'm "writing" here, but these are rather piecemeal efforts. Hell, I'd even like to author a book on training & educations stuff, but.....
I can start, but I admit I'm a lousy finisher. I can see the stories and thoughts in my head, but there's a brain-to-pen disconnect that stifles the whole process. I doubt that anything I'd come up with is even publishable (no, gutter-brains...its not dirty stuff. *sheesh*). I just don't know if anyone would even think its worth putting into print.
Ah well, if the stories finish, they get finished. Maybe I'll share them here.
Train arrives...subway calls.
Actually, it's not that I have stories that don't get written, dear. I'd love to write, but have nothing to say. No stories, no ideas, no plots... nada.
I'm a great writer, but I don't have it in me to think of something myself. If I'm given an idea, a start, SOMETHING, I can take it and run. (and I can finish, too *wink*) It's just the starting that I have problems with.
Hey, Mossy - between the two of us, we'd make a hell of a writer. *giggle*
I can't get past the "lousy finisher" part. Made me giggle.
mossy, you should join a collaboration type of site so you don't have to be the person that finishes the story.
Thanks, Ma & Digi....and all the voters. :)
you totally have to write your stories. Why not? Just go to your local library and look at all the crap that gets published. Surely you can write something better than at least one of those items of crap.
I bought some little motivational book about writing (proof that people buy crap). I'll sum it up for you: writing is hard but you should try it instead of not trying it.
Now go crazy!
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