Wednesday, November 30

To hump, or not to hump...

"...that is the question which preoccupies us. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the..."

Aw, fuck it.

Yeah, its Wednesday. I want to blog but don't have the faintest idea what to say.

I'm disappointed to note that I seem to be de-evolving in the TTLB ecosystem. Granted, I won't attain primate status, but having dropped back to insect I fiind myself disappointed.

Of course, DW put it all in perspective for me when I kvetched about it. "So remove it. Do you blog because you like it or do you blog because you need the attention?"

(Do I really have to answer that?)


Kal said...

Attention! Attention! We do it for the attention!!!!

Everybody's devolving. I'm a frickin' crustecean again...

It's funny, isn't it, how men seem to care about things that connote status, much more than women do.

Must have some sort of primal connection to status-hood and ability to get a mate.

Penny said...

I dispute that comment, Kal.

I'm just a teeny bit competitive (honestly, just a wee little almost negligible bit. You can hardly notice) and when I saw others evolving right past me, it kinda bothered me a teeny bit. I began contemplating drastic blog posts to garner some attention. You know, whatever it would take to get me to primate status. When I started contemplating sexy lingerie pictures and naughty stories, I realized this was a bit out of control, so....I deleted the counter.

It's my equivalent of taking my ball and going home, really. Cuz if you can't win, why play?

Kal said...

Well, that's a healthy attitude.... Jeez, just like a Mom.

lowk said...

I don't know what the hell you folks are talking about. Blog or not to. All depends if I got something that needs to be let out. (stop smiling penny) If sexy pics and nasty stories are what you have to say, Well penny I"m listening. 8) As for the attention, if its there ok, if not ok.

Penny said...

Hey, I am a Mom! The Mommy voice comes out sometimes.

Larry said...

Holy crap, I'm a mollusc again. I guess I need to devote more attention to everyone, so they will do the same for me.

Um, Penny, I think lingerie pics, and naughty stories is a wonderful idea.

Penny said...

I'd be happy to post lingerie pictures, just not of me.