Thursday, May 4

The Brief Elasticity of Time (freewrite)

Time ebbs and flows and sometimes stops. Does the time of your life mean something you've had or something which passes? Every breath leaves you one less to your last. (How's that for a lovely, uplifting thought?) A morning seems so full and fleeting yet the afternoon moves like a slow, meandering stream. Time can be cruel and deceitful that way. My desk makes me a prisoner of time yet I willingly return. Fatalistic? No. Dedicated? Maybe. Too much time when you don't need it and never enough of it when you do.

Am I alone in preferring to be busy than to be idle? Idle is bad. The hands become the devil's playthings, so they tell me. Whoever they are. Of course, "they" might be the ones heaping scorn on the latest revelations from a Coptic gospel making a bad guy into a not-so-bad guy. He didn't have a good time at all, did he. Time to be born, time to die and all that crap. Time and time and time again. Time never waits and time never ends. Wasn't Merlin time-challenged? How do you live backwards in time? Does that mean that everything about him was backwards? Think about it. EVERYTHING. Can someone exist in multiple times? Could be cool but I have no idea how you'd manage the whole grocery thing.

*time check* 2:05. Shit. Not time to go yet.

Maybe I should pretend that I have a deadline or something. Nope. Can't fake that. I need real deadlines. But I sit waiting for answers from people who don't have the TIME to get back to me even though time passes closer and closer to the deadlines they gave me. Hello? Is this thing on? Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care? Hey, remember the time, when....

When? When what?

When I had the time? Or was more patient about it? Or cared less about it? John Cleese did it best in Clockwise. Of course, he made an ass of himself in the process.

2:33. Not good.

"And then this one time? At band camp?"


duff said...

idle may be bad, but it hink billy idol is pretty darn good.

but that's probably just me.

Penny said...

I think I may have stolen some of your time to give myself more time to get all MY work finished. So...when time seemed to stop for you, maybe it did - cuz I had your share.

Freewrite about that. :oP

VW: epiotic Def: epic ramblings of an idiot??

Dirty Gypsy said...

Mossy, I can't believe in all the mentions of the word "time" did you not ever include Morris Day & The Time. *tsk, tsk*

"Jungle love....ohh whee ohh whee ohh!"

Heh. :)

(BTW: I was at work until 10:30pm. Then one of the machines I work with busted. *sigh* To quote Biggie Smalls: "Mo' money, mo' problems." Damn.)

Mossy Stone said...

Steph: I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't have the time to think of it. ;-)

Sorry about the late night. It can only get better, right? huh? Won't it??

Dirty Gypsy said...

Nothing a few shots of tequila won't fix...oh, wait. I have to work in the morning. GAHH!!!

Maybe tomorrow night. My Sunday shift doesn't start until 1:00pm...hmmm...

Kal said...

And time heals all wounds.

Even thigs tequila won't.