A few non-connected thoughts and observations to start the day.
First, a welcome to Joe and his "Nobody Cares" blog. He seems to have an affinity for Canadians, Llamas and hockey porn (you'll just have to see what I mean).
Next, a slightly belated Happy Birthday to Larry. The monkey man was probably working his tail off and didn't have a lot of time to celebrate the event. DW and I sent him suitably amusing cards, so between our greetings, Dani's mermaid pic, and whatever The Steph comes up with, I'm sure he'll feel suitably 'feted'. (Sorry for the lack of 'accent circonflex'. I can't get the BB to handle more complex symbols.)
With a tip of the hat to the legendary Calvin & Hobbes parental surveys....A recent opinion poll conducted at the Shagwell/Stone residence regarding global stepfather rankings came back with a surprising result. Apparently I am now ranked first among step-dads in that vital '11 y/o boy-girl twins in East GTA' demographic. The results have a margin of error of 30-40%, 5 times out of 7. The poll results were given to me in the form of a touque, suitably embroidered with "#1 Stepdad". Who am I to argue with the math? (Pictures to follow. I'm touched beyond words. According to DW, this was entirely The Girl's idea. This is what happens when DW takes her to the mall.).
Its a gorgeously sunny day here. Apparently ltlme's prayers worked. 'Nuff said.
I might actually get to drift back into Drill Sergeant mode in the near future. The Boy is more involved with his Cadet group and I offered my assistance to the Officers there. Having taught a *lot* of basic training, I'm pretty sure I can square-bash with the best of them. It would definitely be parade boots and drill cane are around somewhere...
And so ends this mid-week missive. Enjoy!
(Edit: In response to overwhelming demand, picture proof of my Step-father ranking is now available.)

THANK YOU, DRILL SERGEANTTTT! seem too likable to be ordering people around.
oh believe me, ltlme, I've seen him go all drill sergeant. It scared the pants off of me (I think he liked that part, though).
*waiting for this to start going to that dirty place again.*
Okay, for us non-canadians, what's a touque?
Ahh, that's a touque.
And now.. PFB?
ltlme: you say "dirty place" as though it were some kind of bad thing...
kal: Yes, any knit cap to be worn in wintertime is generally classified as a touque. As for "PFB", you'll have to ask The Girl why she calls me that. Not even close to my initials.
Can I tell him? Can I? Oh PLEASE can I? heh heh heh
No you may not, dear. I need to have *some* secrets.
You take away all my fun.
Pretty Furry Bastard?
Passably Fabulous Booty?
Pinky Finger Bling?
Purloins fancy britches?
ah, I think I know...
Penny's Favorite Boy.
"please fondle body"
you mean that dirty place, kiddo?
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