Wednesday, March 2

Changes aren't permanent, but Change is

Definitely one of Neil Peart's more high-impact lyrics.

I was pondering this very matter recently while reading a post from Average Joe where he was mulling over some changes in his life. It got me thinking about some of the changes in my own, some more recent than others.

What is it about change that gives people the heebie-jeebies?

Do we really fear the unknown that much? Do we simply not kow how to cope when change is thrust upon us? What about when we actually consciously decide to make a change? Why should that make us any more anxious?

I know that I don't always deal well with change, but there are other times when cataclysmic change has been thrust upon me where I've sailed through almost effortlessly.

Anyone out there have thoughts on this thing?


Red said...

I love change. Usually because a change - any change - is a chance for something better.

And, if you think about it later, even the bad changes will someday seem like the right thing.

Dtrini said...

Change can royally suck! I do believe in the Pheonix and from any really sucky change, one can think there is only one way to go from there; up. As for why we feel that way? Comfort. Homo Sapiens are the most comfortable animal on the planet. Everything else moves to dry land, warmer temperatures or better food.

Our lazy asses tend to fire up the sump pump, turn up the heat and order in. We used to be nomadic but "progress" have made us some seriously sedentary beings. now, change has become traumatic for most of us.

Very few enjoy the evolution that change brings. We'd much rather someone else do it. :)

Kristin said...

Being that change is inevitable, embrace it, young man ;-)

I have absolutely nothing prolific to say today as my brain is still in Banff.

The only change I detest is changing a tire. :-)

Penny said...

If we don't change, we stop. And I'm not ready to stop.