Wednesday, March 9

I still think the Groundhog lied

For the second morning in a row, I get to freeze my nunny off as part of the public transit extravaganza. The mercury is hovering somewhere around Zero on the Kelvin scale, if my estimates are correct.

This morning's post is brought to you courtesy of my Blackberry which conveniently let's me access the web so I can post for your enjoyment. So I'm sitting here on my bus doing the "two thumbs" dance and spewing this forth one peck at a time. Take good look around; see that guy over there, typing away on his Blackberry? It might be me!

Today I'm headed in early because we have another training session being run in my division, and I have to greet the facilitator and get things set up. Nice thing is, I get to take the early train home (yay!). I also have meetings with the dreaded outside consultants and an webcast to attend. *sigh* for those of you playing along at home, this is the same group who came in a couple of weeks ago to assist us in some process improvement and were conspicuous in their lack of depth where education is concerned. Ah well, at least I have the go-ahead to seek outside help in completing my work for this project. I just don't know how else to convey my desire to shut these people out of the work?

Editor update: Just because I wasn't having enough fun, the train before the one I caught was cancelled because of "mechanical difficulties" which is apparently a code word for "the train crew didn't show up" and so my usual express train became a local to pick up the stranded passengers who had been waiting ad nauseum for their morning ride. Needless to say I was a little late. Can I go home now?

1 comment:

Mossy Stone said...

a mid-day blowjob wouldn't hurt my feelings, but I think I can wait until I get home. ;-)