Thursday, March 3

Play me, but don't pick, pluck, or bend. No hammer-ons, either

You are a guitar

You are a musical genius... congratulations. Most people think you are a little obsessed with music, but that's okay. You don't care what other people think. You are independent, and would rather have a few good (and weird) friends than a lot of not-so-good ones. You may feel that people run down your eccentricity, but that's only because they're jealous. You will most likely become very successful with your musical talent. \m/ Rock on!

Most compatible with:

Click here -- What Random Object Represents Your Inner Self?

(*Author Note* I find this interesting, especially since I own 3 guitars. But oddly enough I played drums all through high school and for a few years afterwards.)


Dtrini said...

Ok, er, uhm, what does it say exactly when, after taking the test, I am supposedly compatible to you and not my wife?

First the Muse thing and now this?? People are going to start to talk.

Mossy Stone said...

It's a kindred spirit thing, dude. Like twins separated at birth. Cuz people keep asking me if we're related... *grin*

Anonymous said...

Dammit, I don't want to be the guitar, I want to be the rubber snake toy!

Stupid quiz, implying that I'm like you. :P

Mossy Stone said...

Gila, someday we'll have a nice long chat about all your toys...

Mossy Stone said...

Wow, dated Kim Mitchell? lol

Kristin said...

Gawd you're showing a) your age and b) your Canadian-ness with that comment...

Im a drumstick.. and according to that and Joe I am a freak... then again, that's not anything we didn't know before now is it?

If there are other soul twins like Cricket and I that have been separated at birth, perhaps we need a convention?

Mossy Stone said...

like Hedonism? =oP