Wednesday, April 20

Blog-a-Thon for Jo-Anne

Here are Jo-Anne's questions:

  1. Of all of your accomplishments, tell us about one of which you're secretly proud. (meaning, you did it, you're proud of it, but nobody really knows about it.)
  2. Were you ever really, really tempted to "take that left turn at Albuquerque"?
  3. If you found your Italian man and he turned out to be Duck Dodgers in disguise, would you still love him?
  4. If you've met people online, what was your "best" experience.
  5. As above, what was your "worst" experience. (of course, if you haven't done "online dating" then substitute best/worst dating stories.


1 comment:

Penny said...

Okay, Mossy, I double dare ya:

Interview ME.