Friday, April 1

Stoopid MSN

MSN Messenger has been conspicuous by its chaotic behaviour of late. I succumbed to peer pressure and installed the new Beta of Messenger.

It keeps dropping offline for l o n g periods of time and not letting me back in.

Between this and the ongoing frustrations with Blogger access, its not been the best of weeks online.


Anonymous said...

I can't even upgrade my version of MSN. Keeps crashing at the reg level. *pout*

So what did you think of the Triffids? I read all of Wyndham's novels in one summer once, it nearly broke my brain. But it remains to this day my favourite end-of-the-world story. Way better than zombies.

Mossy Stone said...

Triffids is better now than when I tried to tackle it in High School. Its an interesting, cautionary tale. Kinda like Ray Bradbury but with a Dr. Who spin on it.

Dtrini said...

Speaking of Doctor Who, look for a TV listing near you as they have modernized it and are bringing it back to a boob tube near you.

And I should point out that at least you get to move down cubicles. I got tossed in the "hmmm" pile and next thing you know, I and my partner have no desks, no phones and no home. As it stands now, we are nomads. How about that?

Dtrini said...

OH, one more thing. MSN is only viable because some people are not willing to install something else. Also, for the longest while, it was the only thing to work through firewalls. I used to use ICQ exclusively but it is very easy to block so everyone did. I also used another program that was essentially the original telephony software available for free; it too died off. Ah well, we like free and we like little work so we suffer with the Evil Empire.