Sunday, April 17

Stripped Gears and Muddled Minds

Surprising myself, I dragged my bike down from the rafters of the garage and took it for a spin this morning. I am seriously pondering biking to and from the Train instead of taking the bus. I figure that the weather will be nice enough in the summer and the extra exercise certainly can't hurt. 2-3 days a week would be a good thing. Having bought new bikes for the kiddies recently, I'm jonesing for a new velocipede myself. Unfortunately, I'd have to sell the existing 2 beasties I have before I'd be justified. My road bike is awesome, but I need new pedals/clips and new shoes and I need one of the wheels aligned and trued up. My mountain bike is a real cheapie but probably better to the somewhat battered streets here in suburbia. I also managed to strip one of the gears (a middle one, of course) last spring so shifting is a nice challenge. Its also a fixed-frame bike so the ride is a bit hard on the bod. If I'm gonna go spend the money on pedals/clips and shoes, I might as well....well, you get the picture. I foresee a purchase of Dockers Wrinkle-free clothing in my relatively near future, too. Saw some nice bikes in a flyer from a bike shop closeby, so maybe I can get a good deal. Of course, if I could find my camel pack and my biking gloves and my tools, I'd feel happier. Fucked if I know where they're hiding at the moment.

The Boy actually came along with me. I was, I admit, a bit reluctant to have him come along. Its a bit of a long ride, and I wasn't sure he'd keep up at the pace I wanted to go. Its also a tough ride on the streets and I am usually reluctant to ride on the sidewalks. But he wanted to come, so come along he did. To his credit, he managed to make the 14km round trip and didn't whine once but he was pretty wiped when we got home. In his words, "I'm glad I made the trip but I'll never do it again. I'm gonna buy a bulldozer and flatten Ontario." Go figure, he thinks it's hilly.

I probably should be working on, well, work stuff today but I'm not sure I'm motivated to do it yet. Its one of those situations where there's SO much to do, but its hard to see where to start.

The Girl has a short concert this afternoon, but its at the church just around the corner so that makes it easy on the to-and-fro side.


Mossy Stone said...

14km is nothing...I did an 85km round trip one day.

Penny said...

I like biking in Florida for that reason, Jewel. It's flat. Dead flat. No hills. I can bike for miles and miles and miles when it's flat - assuming I have a good bike seat that will cushion my butt (which, by the way, is also flat).

As for the stationery (stationary?) machines, I like the rowing machine best.

As for Mossy's endurance bike rides...I'm just glad I get to reap the benefit of those nice hard thighs!! *drool*

Mossy Stone said...

Yes, Cricket, that was indeed stated as eighty-five kilometers. Approx 50 miles, round-trip. Needless to say, my ass was rather sore after all that riding.

And as for you, Penny...I'll see you at home. *evil grin*

Penny said...

Wooohooo, yah, baby!!!!

Penny said...

there is no such thing as a comfortable bicycle seat. Maybe they should design a bicycle a hammock, that my poor fanny can sit in and relax.

Dtrini said...

All this "back" talk and I just do not know you all well enough to do the comments justice.

Anyhow MS, I must say that I am lucky to be near enough to work to make riding a definite goal this year. I did not have the patience to try going downtown my my bike for fear of freaking out on the first idiot to cut me off on the road with his/her car or truck.

But, since you have taken wheel to the road, you have inspired me my friend. Kudos to you.