Wednesday, April 13

Busy, busy, busy....

I've barely had time to scratch my ass today, but I figured I should make time to put something up here so that my loyal audience doesn't disappear over the fears of "dead air". I am! Heads down in e-learning storyboard work...



Mossy Stone said...

The picture can often inspire many thousands of words...

Dtrini said...

Uhm, you seem to be depriving yourself of some necessities of life. One must always be able to eat, drink, be merry, have sex (with ot without assistance), sleep, work, play and dream. With all of that, I strongly believe that your life needs more balance if you have run out time to scratch your own ass. Now, I agree the exception is when you win the lottery and hire a French maid to scratch it for you, but we both know that scenario has not yet come to pass. So, take some time and treat your body to the proper ass scratching it deserves!

Mossy Stone said...

Well said, Kat. (although I'll suppress the big "ew" generated by my mind's eye...)