Thursday, June 16

Missing: 40 Winks

Has anyone seen my sleep? Cuz its missing. I mean really missing. And god knows I could use it.

Holy crap, am I tired. I do mean tired. I could crawl back into bed and sleep for oh, say, the better part of a week. What frustrates my socks off is that when I get overtired, I can't get to sleep easily. How fucked up is that? No, don't bother explaining it to me...I'd just stay awake trying to make sense of it all.

Thank Biff I only have one meeting today and its at 3.

I should be able to pull a George Costanza between now and then.

Unless dtrini is working down where I am today, then all bets are off.


Penny said...

I can tell you where your sleep went. It went with the two pills you took to help you sleep... the two NON-DROWSY pills, ya weiner!

As for tonight: to bed early and no more late night invigorating nookie! I'll make sure you get your sleep!!

Mossy Stone said...

I hit the hightlights, honey...just the highlights. I didn't wanna cloud the issue with needless facts. :P

Anonymous said...

As a sleepwalker, I can understand how being tired is a pain in the ass. I wake up feeling like I've run a marathon or someting...At least you can take pills...I have nothing.

Mossy Stone said...

The pills were a mistake on my part. Gravol will knock me out, but I took the other anti-nauseant we had, naiveley assuming they would have a similar effect.

Larry said...

I feel your pain. After blogging until late I had to be up early(3:30a). Got to my case, put the other investigator in camo(I love seniority) turned up the two-way and proceeded to take a nap. This was about 6a. 6:20a the subject left and made my day last until about 2:30p. Oh well, I don't have to work until about 10a tomorrow and don't have a frisky wife to keep me up late.

Dtrini said...

Really, that's a shame Larry. I see a venture business forming out of this. Rent-a-frisky-wife. It could go national.

My LB often asks me when do I sleep. I am one of those people that hate mornings and get most of my work done late at night when the house is quiet and I am alone with the remote. Knight Rider at 4:30AM is quite nice.

So, really, most nights are a two to four hour operation in the sleep department. It does eventually catch up with me but I am amazing at finding energy after short naps. When I crash, I really crash hard though. Once I was up for two and a half days straight and slept for about eighteen hours with only a bathroom break in between.

And after polishing off about three oversized Cesear's one night, I can attest that alcohol does not help me sleep if I am overtired already. It is always worth the effort though. :)