Friday, June 10

So, there I was...

**apologies for earlier technical goofies that left a blank post** shit, surrounded.

If anyone were to ask at this very second, I'd say that I'm having the quintessential East Coast/Canadian experience.

I'm sitting in a jam-packed Halifax waterfront 'institution' (The Lower Deck), listening to a kick-ass local band (Signal Hill), singing cover tunes and east coat standards (Piano Man, Cecelia, Brown-eyed Girl, Barrett's Privateers, Sonny) at the top of my lungs, and I've been saying typical Argo Fan thing to the guys from the Ti-Cats who came in to enjoy the festivities (QB Danny McManus, S Rob Hitchcock, DL Adriano Belli, WR Mike Morreale, Head Coach Greg Marshall.)

It doesn't get much better than this, as far as I'm concerned.

We knew we wanted to get to Halifax for quite a while now, and we FINALLY managed to get everything timed just right.

Today has been a great day to get out and see stuff, and its pretty incredible just how much there is to see out here, and I know that we've crammed in a lot of sightseeing in an amazingly short time.

Must go...the boys are onto the last set and DW and I want to make our way back to the hotel.


Larry said...

Where? Where were you? What's goig on? Are you there? Where? Where? Where? AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHHHHHAHAHAHHHHH!

Dtrini said...

Hmmm, I think you were confused. I could have sworn it was there you went. Or was it I think I was. Strange. I am confused now.